Turbodo 1.1

Turbodo 1.1 4,2/5 4862 votes
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Beer Geek Stats: Print Shelf Talker
English Brown Ale
Ranked #113
Ranked #38,738
3.68 pDev: 13.32%
Abita Brewing Co.
Louisiana, United States
Notes:Turbodog is a dark brown ale brewed with Willamette hops and a combination of pale, crystal and chocolate malts. This combination gives Turbodog its rich body and color and a sweet chocolate toffee-like flavor. Turbodog began as a specialty ale but has gained a huge loyal following and has become one of our flagship brews.
28 IBU
View:Beers Place Reviews
Reviews: 1,042 Ratings: 2,985 Log in to view all ratings and sort
4.53/5 rDev +23.1%
look: 4.5 smell: 4.5 taste: 4.5 feel: 4.75 overall: 4.5
I think this beer's ratings don't accurately reflect its high quality. In a world of dank juicy IPAs, this stands out in all the right ways. It's a dark brown ale, rich and malty with just enough hoppiness for balance. Super smooth and crushable, but still bursting with flavor. So easy to drink that this dog may end up walking you..
335 characters
Turbodo 1.1
3.9/5 rDev +6%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.75 taste: 4 feel: 3.75 overall: 4
A-Pours a dark amber color with a slight head and lacing
A-Aroma has toffee and slight chocolate hints
T-Taste follows the nose with a toffee, slight chocolate and malt flavor
M-A medium bodied decently carbonated beer
O-A good English Brown Ale
245 characters
4.03/5 rDev +9.5%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.75 taste: 4.25 feel: 4 overall: 4
This is a very underrated beer. One of the beers that helped me get into craft beer at a time when choices were very slim. It still holds up today many, many years later.
170 characters
3.87/5 rDev +5.2%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.5 taste: 4 feel: 4 overall: 4
Loved it. I was not expecting its lightness and how refreshing it was given that it is a nut brown ale. And yet, it was rich and flavorful. Sorry that I really don't know how to write a real review yet. :D
205 characters
3.9/5 rDev +6%
look: 4.5 smell: 3.75 taste: 4 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
Dark brown, almost black, with a creamy tan head.
Smells like banana bread and dark chocolate.
Tastes like dark chocolate, toffee, peanut brittle, banana bread, molasses, and prune.
Medium mouthfeel, moderate carbonation, slightly creamy. Clean and lightly dry finish.
272 characters
3.83/5 rDev +4.1%
look: 4 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.75 feel: 4 overall: 4.25
A 12oz. bottle of the 'Dog' poured into my Abita pint glass. A pretty looking mahogany brown with a full inch of a fluffy brown foam that after several minutes settles to a thin layer with nice lacing on the glass. It is a bit to dark to find the carbonation by sight.
There is a bit of coffee and sweetness to the nose, a bit light.
The flavor is a light roasted coffee, a light chocolate flavor, not too sweet, and to me, not overly bitter. Maybe the coffee flavor might be bitter for some people.
The feel is medium, not light or creamy, with a dry finish.
An easy drinker here, nothing offensive, I like it. Five more Turbodogs to go!
638 characters
3.56/5 rDev -3.3%
look: 4 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.5 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.5
Pours medium brown with mahogany highlights, a half inch of white head that left spotty lacing. Smells and tastes of light roasted malts, chocolate, coffee, toffee, caramel, some spices and a hint of dark fruits. Light to medium bodied, medium carbonation, fairly bitter for a brown ale with a lingering mildly bitter finish.
328 characters
3.37/5 rDev -8.4%
look: 3.5 smell: 3.25 taste: 3.5 feel: 3.25 overall: 3.25
Very underwhelming beer. Bitterness overtakes this one, I cannot get much else out of it other than a bitter coffee flavor or bitter dark chocolate. Sadly it was not much else than bitterness, hoped to see more flavors develop as it warmed but nothing.
252 characters
3.78/5 rDev +2.7%
look: 4.25 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
Bottle poured into a Mountain Rambler Brewing Co pint glass
A: Pours ruby mahogany brown with a frothy tan head that settles to a light layer and leaves a little spotty lacing.
S: Toasty roasty malt, earthy, coffee, faint bittersweet chocolate, herbal slightly spicy notes, a hint of dark fruit, burnt sugar, and just a touch of toffee sweetness.
T: Roasty toasty malt, earthy, coffee, bittersweet chocolate, dark bread, maybe a bit nutty, a little underlying dark fruit, fig and plum, slightly spicy herbal hops, burnt sugar, and a little toffee sweetness. Bitterness is definitely noticeable and lingers a bit, but it isn't off putting.
M: Medium body, moderate carbonation.
O: Not my favorite brown ale, but not bad either.
734 characters
4.5/5 rDev +22.3%
look: 4.5 smell: 4.5 taste: 4.5 feel: 4.5 overall: 4.5
The rich, thick tones of Abita Turbodog reminds me of a dark tootsie roll that isn't too sweet. Craveable and crushable, easily one of the best browns in the US, at any price. The right hops, the right malts, carbonation, and mouth feel and alcohol are all exactly on point! Crisp but rich and - hey ' that dog will hunt!'
One of the great southern craft brands to try. .
revisited 3/2/19: still a really good brown.
422 characters
3.69/5 rDev +0.3%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.75
From notes 8/20/12: Pours dark brown producing a single finger of short-lived, tan head that leaves a pasty wash of thin lace. Aroma is dark bread, toast, and chocolate, caramel, a little coffee and spicy hops. Taste is dark bread, semi-sweet chocolate, caramel, roast and a hint of coffee with faint hops detectable. Peppery chocolate finish becomes a spiced chocolate and roast aftertaste.
391 characters
3.84/5 rDev +4.3%
look: 4 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.75 feel: 4.5 overall: 3.75
The head is is extremely foamy but doens't last and the beer is brown with a reddish tint. The beer has your typical brown ale smells of sweet breads and caramel but it also seems to have a fruity smell to it. The beer has a nice plum flavor and other dark fruit flavors to it. The sweetness and malt flavors usually found it brown ales felt like they played a minor role in this beer. The beer is smooth with a nice carbonation.
434 characters
3.63/5 rDev -1.4%
look: 4 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.5 overall: 3.5
Shoot. A nice looking beer with not much of a nose. But it's boring. Just fine. Only fine. Roasty, but for some reason, there's a bit of a cardboard aftertaste. (But not the second time I got it on tap at Oak and Stone.)
221 characters
3.56/5 rDev -3.3%
look: 4 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.5 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.5
My dad got me this English Brown 12 ounce bottle to try while he was on his 2017 vacation. Not terrible but not great either. I'd say it's a little below average for the genre.
177 characters
4/5 rDev +8.7%
look: 4 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4 overall: 4
Decanted from a 12 oz (355 ml) bottle into a conical pint glass; no production information available.
A: Pours a clear, red brown color with a more than one inch, off white head, no retention (mostly a rim), and modest lacing.
S: Aroma of roasted malt, berries, dark pitted fruit, and chocolate predominate.
T: The flavor of caramel malt and molasses blend smoothly with the chocolate and coffee elements. ?A plum note. Bitterness subtle and balanced.
M: Light to medium bodied with medium carbonation.
O: An enjoyable and very drinkable American made EBA. Honestly, I think this is one of the best I have had by Abita.
622 characters
2.61/5 rDev -29.1%
look: 3.25 smell: 2.75 taste: 2.5 feel: 2.5 overall: 2.5
Almost black, some ruby edges. Scarce, but decent brown foam.
Burnt malt in the smell, with chocolate, caramel and toffee. A bit heavy.
In the taste caramle, candy, sugar. Too much. Too low bitterness.
Definitely sweet, unbalanced, low botterness.
In the aftetaste, even a hint of berry fruits.
294 characters
4.07/5 rDev +10.6%
look: 4.5 smell: 3.75 taste: 4 feel: 4.5 overall: 4.25
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a Willi Becher glass.
An aggressive pour nets a very aggressive head several fingers tall, but short-lived. The beer is dark, ruddy brown, nearly opaque, but with ruby glimmerings when backlit.
Smells like sweet toffee, caramelized sugar, and beer malt. Hint of hops.
Deep, sweet, and pleasant. The big, meaty body is full and malty-sweet, with a hint of drying minerality. The end has a fabulous-if-subtle hop bite.
Points for style. This is a little too sweet for me for everyday drinking, but a very solid, approachable, reliable beer. Should appeal across the spectrum of beer drinkers.
645 characters
3.6/5 rDev -2.2%
look: 4 smell: 3.25 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.75 overall: 3.5
A dark brown ale with a tan cream foam. A roasted taste. Malty with light coffee and toffee behind the roasted taste. A brew with substance. Good for us non-hop heads.
167 characters
3.45/5 rDev -6.3%
look: 4 smell: 3.25 taste: 3.5 feel: 3.25 overall: 3.5
Horchata turbodog .
Super foamy head about 3 fingers from a gentle pour.
Has a nice yeast,chocolate ,cinnamon flavor with a decent body for a brown ale.
I wouldn't make it a regular but I would buy it again sometime.
225 characters

Turbodo 1.1 Inch

3.84/5 rDev +4.3%
look: 3.75 smell: 4 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.5 overall: 4
Pours a solid brown color, visible carbonation, and a fluffy tan head that retains well.
The aroma is all about the toffee; rich, sweet and silky. However, midway there is a strong fermented dry raisin, grape and prune smell. A nutty aroma also begins to develop.
Flavors of brown bread and nuts are balanced nicely by a moderate noble hops spice. Mildly to moderately bitter; there is only a hint of the toffee caramel sweetness found in the aroma.
Clean taste and clean finish. The carbonation is moderate with a bit of a prickle. Medium to light, even a bit thin in the body.
Flavorful and easy drinking. Perhaps the malt richness of the aroma didn’t quite extend to the taste, however, it was decent overall.
719 characters
3.67/5 rDev -0.3%
look: 3.75 smell: 3.5 taste: 3.75 feel: 3.5 overall: 3.75
Poured into a perfect pint glass
Appearance - two fingers beige head that quickly recede. Lacing trails off quickly. Very dark, chocolatey brown, near opaque, with a deep ruby tint when illuminated.
Smell - very faint aroma. There is a hint of chocolate and toffee, sweet malts, but honestly, it is very light on the nose. Not a whole lot to take in here.
Taste - dark chocolate, a bit of caramel and burnt molasses, toasted nuts, rye malt. Lightly bitter.
Mouth feel - light-medium body with a carbonation that seems to punch at your tongue, well after you've swallowed.
Overall - solid brown ale, it's good, but there's nothing that truly stands out to me. I am whelmed. Not over, not under, just whelmed.
712 characters
3.93/5 rDev +6.8%
look: 4 smell: 4 taste: 3.75 feel: 4.25 overall: 4
Pours a clear dark brown color. 1/3 inch head of an off-tan color. Good retention and good lacing. Smells of sweet malt, slight rye, hint of caramel malt, hint of wheat, slight spicy hops, hint of roasted malt, and a hint of yeast. Fits the style of an English Brown Ale. Mouth feel is smooth and clean, with an average carbonation level. Tastes of sweet malt, slight rye, hint of caramel malt, hint of wheat, slight spicy hops, hint of roasted malt, and a hint of yeast. Overall, good appearance, complexity, and blend.
527 characters
3.59/5 rDev -2.4%
look: 4 smell: 3.75 taste: 3.5 feel: 3.5 overall: 3.5
Pours dark brown with reddish highlights into a fifteen ounce mug the same temperature as the beer. One finger tannish head that settles quickly into a thin rime.
Hits the nose with upfront chocolate malts along with other similar sweet malts. Medium roasted malt. Touch of bread Dark fruits. Biscuit.
Tha palate is assaulted by a ton of sweet brown sugar. Caramel and toffee add to the sweetness. Some molasses. Plum and prune. Black walnuts.
Full bodied on the palate. Creamy richness. Accumulating sweetness coats the tongue. Good solid carbonation. Zero hops bitterness.
This is a very good brew. Nose and flavor are balanced and compliment each other. With an ABV of 5.6% feel free to have another. Cheers!!
731 characters
4.13/5 rDev +12.2%
look: 4 smell: 4 taste: 4.25 feel: 4.25 overall: 4
20 oz pub glass.
Pours smooth, brown.almost like a light Porter. Tan/reddish head that quickly disappears to a flat sheen, little lacing. Smells of chocolate and roasted caramel, very light with a hint of nuts in the background. Tastes of chocolate and roasted malts, with a very nice touch of sweetness that doesn't interfere with my overall enjoyment. MF is a little heavy for a EBA, but very smooth. The carbonation is spot on with no lingering aftertaste.
I really dig this beer. It has caused me to remedy a situation. that I have no idea where to rank it in my top 5 for BA's. Now I must get them all together for a personal 1 on 1 taste test. Thanks Abita (for a delicious beer)!
692 characters
3.99/5 rDev +8.4%
look: 3.75 smell: 4 taste: 4 feel: 4 overall: 4
Poured into a mug, the appearance was a soft murky dark orange color with a finger's worth of white to off white foamy head that fell off at a mild pace. Sly stringy lace.
The aroma had a nice blend of sweet caramel to toffee malts flowing evenly over a light sweet nutty to semi-roastiness.
The flavor leaned sweetly finding it's way through those malts to glide into the aftertaste in a nice way.
The mouthfeel was between light and medium bodied with a fair sessionability about it. Carbonation felt fine. ABV felt fine. Pretty smooth all around, almost watery, though, but I usually hate to use that word as it's quite overused and often misinterpreted.
Overall, for the most part as an English brown ale, I say this works, don't think about it as anything else but consider the style and drink it for what it is.
817 characters
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